ECX4436 - Microprocessors and Interfacing is a core subject in Computer, Electronics, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Diploma and Degree programme. This is a level 4 course with 4 credit rating offered for the Bachelor of Technology (BTech) programme.

Pre-requisite for this course are EEX3510(P), MHZ3531(P), DMX3511(P),[ {ECX3233(EL) OR EEX3533(CA)} ,[[{ECX3150(EL) OR EEX3350(CA)} ,{ECX4150(EL) OR EEX4350(CA) OR EEX4351(CR)}]OR EEX3530(P)]]OR[{MEX3272(EL) OR DMX3572(CA)} OR{MEX3274(EL) OR DMX3574(CA) }